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Media Release

October Tonnage Numbers Remain Steady at U.S. Ports

IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                               Contact: Laura M.

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Port of Thunder Bay Adds $369 million to Ontario Economy: Study


IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                 Contact: Julia Fields

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Great Lakes-Seaway Shipping Supports 227,000 Jobs and Generates billions in Other Benefits


                                                                                    Contact: Laura M.

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Great Lakes-Seaway Shipping Adds $16 billion to Canadian Economy


Ottawa, Ontario (October 18, 2011)— Cargo shipments to ports on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway navigation system generate $34.6 billion of economic activity and 227,000 jobs in Canada and the U.S., according to a new study released today. That breaks down to 98,000 jobs and $15.9 billion in economic activity in Ontario and Quebec. 

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Canadian Grain Shipments on the St. Lawrence Seaway Up 35% in August


Contact: Julia Fields   (613) 294-8515

Canadian Grain Shipments on the St.

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U.S. Ports Defy Slower August Trend – Report Positive Tonnage


Contact: Laura M. Blades   202-558-5123

U.S. Ports Defy Slower August Trend – Report Positive Tonnage

Washington, D.C. (September 19, 2011) – U.S. ports reported upticks in tonnage during the normal summer slowdown period.

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St. Lawrence Seaway Cargo Shipments Up 21% in July


Julia Fields (613) 294-8515

Numbers fuelled by Canadian grain exports and petroleum imports

Ottawa, Ontario (August 18th, 2010) — Cargo shipments through the St. Lawrence Seaway have
jumped by 21 per cent in July compared to the same month last year, fuelled by large tonnage
increases in Canadian grain, salt, petroleum products and other bulk materials used in construction like stone.

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Seaway Cargo Shipments Up 21% in July


Laura M. Blades 202-558-5123

Port of Green Bay sees increase in petroleum exports

Washington, D.C. (August 18, 2011) – The St. Lawrence Seaway statistics for the month of July indicate steady traffic with cautious optimism as the economy continues to rebound.

Year-to-date total cargo shipments through July were 17 million metric tons, up 7.3 percent over the same period in 2010 due primarily to demand for bulk materials used in construction, salt, petroleum products, and Canadian grain.

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St. Lawrence Seaway Grain Shipments Up 20%


Laura M. Blades 202-558-5123

Washington, D.C. (July 13, 2011) – The latest statistics from the St. Lawrence Seaway show that grain shipments are up more than 20 percent as the marine highway benefits from international demand for American and Canadian wheat.

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St. Lawrence Seaway Cargo Season Off to Strong Start

For Immediate Release

Julia Fields (613) 294-8515

Ship transits up 10% due to surges in grain, coal and petroleum products

Ottawa, Ontario (June 14, 2010) — The St. Lawrence Seaway has reported a positive start to the shipping season with significant increases in grain, salt, coal and petroleum products during the first two months of activity.

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