Julia Fields (613) 294-8515
Ottawa, Ontario (August 18th, 2010) — Cargo shipments through the St. Lawrence Seaway have
jumped by 21 per cent in July compared to the same month last year, fuelled by large tonnage
increases in Canadian grain, salt, petroleum products and other bulk materials used in construction like stone.
The St. Lawrence Seaway reported total July cargo shipments of 4.1 million tonnes.
The burst of monthly activity buoyed year-to-date total cargo shipments from March 22 until July
31st to 17 million tonnes, up 7 per cent over the same period last year.
“The July results highlight the Seaway’s essential role within our North American logistics system,” said Terence Bowles, President and CEO of The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation.
“Not only is the Seaway recording good results serving its core group of customers, it is also
serving as a critical safety valve by enabling cargoes from other jurisdictions to be quickly rerouted
when need be. From mid-west U.S. grain shipped via the Seaway due to flooding on the Mississippi, to petroleum products shipped in double-hulled tankers to ease shortages in Ontario triggered by refinery outages, the Seaway is a critical part of the supply chain serving the heartland of North America. With good momentum in growing our business over the last two years, and the capacity to handle double our present tonnage within the Seaway’s existing locks and channels, we remain optimistic as to the future.”
Seaway ships have been carrying imported supplies from the U.S. to the Sarnia region in Canada
over the past few months to ease the supply gap caused by scheduled plant maintenance by refineries.
One terminal at the Port of Green Bay in Wisconsin, for example, transported 30,473 metric tonnes of ethanol, diesel and gasoline to Sarnia and Montreal in July.
Vessels carried a total of 497,000 tonnes of petroleum products in July, a 205 per cent increase over the same month in 2010. Year-to-date petroleum shipments totaled 1.5 million tonnes, more than double the 624,000 tonnes transported last year during the same period.
Year-to-date salt tonnage increased 46 per cent over the same period last year to 1.2 million tonnes as North American cities continued to replenish their reserves to prepare for road salting next winter.
Year-to-date stone shipments continued strongly at 286,000 tonnes. Year-to-date iron ore shipments, totaling 4 million tonnes, remain down 23 per cent over last year primarily due to the continued closure of the U.S. Steel plant in Hamilton.
Canadian grain shipments, another key cargo for the Seaway, however increased by 60 per cent in July compared to same month in 2010, pushing the year-to-date total to 2.7 million tonnes.
The Port of Thunder Bay saw a huge jump in grain shipments from Western Canadian farmers in
July, with about 800,000 metric tonnes of grain moving through the port compared to 550,000 tonnes in the same month in 2010.
“It’s the best July we’ve had in five years for grain,” said port director Tim Heney. “And that surge
seems to be continuing in the first two weeks of August. It shows the huge capacity that exists in the port. We’re able to handle a large influx of product all at once. We have the largest grain storage in North America.”
Heney said it was difficult to predict how overall grain shipments would turn out for the year. While
spring flooding has led to less acres being seeded for grain in Western Canada, the port’s fortunes will be based more on which world markets are being targeted by farmers and whether alternative competing routes are used.
“But we’re always hopeful that we’re going to come up ahead of last year,” Heney said. “If this
continues, certainly we’ll be there.”
The Seaway is also looking towards major investments at the Port of Hamilton by grain logistics
companies to increase future shipments of agricultural products by Ontario farmers through the
waterway. In July, Parrish and Heimbecker unveiled new storage facilities at its Hamilton port
terminal capable of housing 60,000 tonnes of agricultural products such as protein meals, sugar, salt and granular fertilizer in addition to traditional grains like wheat and corn.
At the opening celebration, Bill Parrish, CEO of Parrish and Heimbecker, said: “This is critical to our Ontario operations. It just positions Parrish and Heimbecker beautifully to help our farmer customers get their products to markets around the world.”
Andrew Bogora, Communications and Public Relations Officer, St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation on (613) 932-5170 x 3285.
Marine Delivers is a bi-national, industry collaboration that aims to demonstrate the economic contribution and environmental sustainability of the shipping industry throughout the Great Lakes region. The Marine Delivers initiative is administered by the American Great Lakes Ports Association in the United States, and the Chamber of Marine Commerce in Canada. For more information,visit the Marine Delivers Web site at
The Chamber of Marine Commerce (CMC) is a bi-national association that represents diverse marine industry stakeholders including major Canadian and American shippers, ports, terminals and marine service providers, as well as Canadian domestic and international ship owners. The Chamber advocates for safe, sustainable, harmonized and competitive policy and regulation that recognizes the marine transportation system's significant advantages in the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence, Coastal and Arctic regions.
Media Contact:
Jason Card
Chamber of Marine Commerce
(613) 447 5401