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Hamilton Port growth demonstrates the value of infrastructure investment

Federal government National Trade Corridors funding catalyst for $50 million in private sector investment

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Trash Talk

The Seabin invention is changing the way PortsToronto and Port of Hamilton are cleaning up harbours

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COVID-19 Stories: Interview with Captain Peter Norman

Captain Peter Norman boarded the AlgoCanada after his rest rotation back home with his wife and two sons, just as the COVID-19 pandemic was escalating in Canada.

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Crew Stories: Sailing the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence during COVID-19

Canadian ship operators have created a detailed set of best practices to protect their crews and shoreside employees during COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Stories: Interview with Captain Ray Davis

It isn’t easy to social distance on a tug. The Sharon M, just under 35 metres long, regularly pushes a barge carrying cargo — on this trip loaded with steel coils and plates from Algoma Steel in Sault Ste. Marie destined for U.S. cities for auto production.

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COVID-19 stories: Interview with Captain James Ryan

Aboard the CSL Assiniboine, the crew of 22 are hard at work delivering Western Prairie grain from the Port of Thunder Bay. As a domestic Laker, the vessel sails within the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region and on this particular trip will transport canola to Quebec, where it will be transloaded onto an ocean-going vessel to be exported overseas. Grain has been in high demand across the world as consumers and countries stock up on food staples during the pandemic.

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Shipping calls for high water solutions that protect Seaway trade corridor

High water levels are wreaking havoc across the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence region, damaging shoreline residential, business and port infrastructure

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Marine shipping labour shortages spreading

Labour and skills shortages have become an acute problem in the Canadian marine sector. Industry leaders are now launching new initiatives to attract the next generation of workers.

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Life Aboard a Great Lakes cargo ship

How do Canadian sailors spend a typical Saturday night on a cargo ship? Watching NHL hockey and having a barbecue, of course. It was all part of the experience as Donna Symonds and her husband John Low got a glimpse into life as a mariner this past month after travelling aboard the CSL Welland from the Welland Canal to the Port of Montreal.

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Interview: New Captain at the Helm

Captain Scott Bravener, President of Canadian shipoperator McKeil Marine, discusses new ships, new markets and new recruits

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