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Bi-national study highlights green advantages of Great Lakes-Seaway shipping


Washington, D.C. (February 5, 2013)– A comprehensive report released today has defined the modal and environmental advantages of using marine shipping to transport goods in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway region.


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Year-to-date total cargo shipments through Seaway up 3 percent


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St. Lawrence Seaway Shipping Season on Course for Strong Finish



Ottawa, Ontario (December 19, 2012)The St. Lawrence Seaway shipping season is on course for a strong finish following brisk trade in grain, coal, salt and general cargo during the month of November. 

The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation said it was on track to increase tonnage for the 2012 season by 2 per cent. 

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Cargo shipments through Seaway up nearly 10 percent in October


Washington, D.C. –  North American commodities for the industrial and manufacturing sectors drove an uptick in tonnage numbers along the Great Lakes-Seaway System.  The St. Lawrence Seaway reported a 9.8 percent increase for total cargo shipments in October – 4.4 million metric tons – compared to October 2011. For the period March 22 to October 31, year-to-date total cargo shipments were 29.5 million metric tons, a rise of 1.4 percent over the same period in 2011.

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Seaway shipments up 10% in October due to Canadian Grain Rush


Ottawa, Ontario Total cargo shipments through the St. Lawrence Seaway reached 4.4 million tonnes in October, a 9.8 per cent increase compared to the same month last year.

Year-to-date total cargo shipments from March 22 to October 31 rose to 29.5 million tonnes, up 1.4 per cent over the same period last year.

The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation reported that an influx of Canadian grain shipments from both Prairie and Ontario farmers for domestic use and export to Europe and the Middle East drove October traffic.

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Canadian Grain Shipments on the St. Lawrence Seaway Up 27% in September


Ottawa, Ontario  — Canadian grain shipments through the St. Lawrence Seaway reached 685,000 tonnes in September, a 27 per cent increase compared to the same month last year.

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Year-to-date Seaway cargo shipments ‘steady as she goes’


Washington, D.C. – For the period March 22 to September 30, year-to-date total cargo shipments were 25.1 million metric tons, virtually flat over the same period in 2011, as reported by the St. Lawrence Seaway.  

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‘Super-sized’ Seaway cargoes come to U.S ports


Washington, D.C. – Economic conditions and severe weather conditions have formed the perfect storm to slow some traditional trade at U.S. ports along the St. Lawrence Seaway System. The St. Lawrence Seaway reported that year-to-date total cargo shipments for the period March 22 to July 31 was 17.1 million metric tons, virtually flat over the same period in 2011.

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Year-to-date St. Lawrence Seaway traffic steady as export ore and coal growth offset by lower American grain shipments


Ottawa, Ontario The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation reported that year-to-date shipments from March 22 to July 31 through the St. Lawrence Seaway totalled 17.1 million tonnes, up slightly from 17.0 million for the same period last year.  Cargo shipments for the month of July totalled 3.9 million tonnes, down 3 per cent from the same month in 2011. 

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Year-to-date Cargo Shipments Along St. Lawrence Seaway See Modest Rise


Washington, D.C. – The St. Lawrence Seaway reported that year-to-date total cargo shipments for the period March 22 to June 30 were 13.2 million metric tons, up 1.3 percent over the same period in 2011.

Iron ore and coal used in the steel and construction industries remained the dominant story in tonnage numbers along the St. Lawrence Seaway System. 

Iron ore shipments through the Seaway rose 34 percent to 1.4 million metric tons in June. Year-to-date figures for iron ore were up 27 percent to 3.8 million metric tons.  

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