Our Captains deliver more than 250 million metric tons of cargo per year through the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System, contributing to over US $66 Billion in economic activity in Canada and the U.S.
Research shows our Canadian Captains have an exceptional safety record that is equal to pilots in the Great Lakes Region.
Our Captains are certified by Transport Canada, and annually transport more than 250 million tonnes of cargo over 3,700 kilometers of water to more than 110 commercial ports in the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence region.
Canada’s Marine Industry is eager to work with Transport Canada to further develop a certification system similar to what exists within the Great Lakes Region. Doing so will facilitate a stronger supply chain, increased trade, greater efficiency, and cost reductions for consumers.
Maritime pilotage serves the public interest
Pilotage operates as a monopoly that drives costs that are passed on to consumers.
Changes to current
practice will increase environmental risks.
Our Captains have exceptional safety records, and ship operators have invested billions in eco-ships that leverage new technologies to protect our environment.
Any changes would
impact safety.
Canadian ship captains are veteran mariners who are regulated by Transport Canada. Any changes would be in consultation with Government and maintain safety and environmental protections while also achieving cost savings.